Update: Since writing my previous boarding school blog post, a number of people have been in touch to access therapy for issues relating to their experiences of boarding school. As part of my Master's I chose to research the psychological impact of sending children to boarding schools in Britain and the resulting research is due to be published in 2023. Unfortunately, for this reason, I'm no longer able to make it available for download here until further notice. Please read this blog post for more information on boarding school survivors. Previous post: It was difficult to remain objective in the process of researching this subject but I believe that I have been. Given that this has been academically evaluated and found to be sound research, my hope would be that this validates your experiences at school and goes some way in explaining how you feel having attended a boarding school in Britain or its' former colonies.
On an emotional level, I'm sure there is a part of you that doesn't care how academically sound this research is. You know what you have experienced and you know what effect it has had and still is having on your life. Nevertheless, you may find that you see yourself in this piece of writing and in so doing, that child in you may breathe a sigh of relief as you realise that you are not alone in your struggles. As always, if this subject matter evokes a response in you, please reach out for support; either long term in the form of counselling or to a crisis helpline if you feel you need more immediate support. Greg